Is democracy really the way foward for the world?In literal terms, democracy is usually defined as a government for the people and by the people. But when lookıng at it in real time situation, democracy is an ideology designed by the rich and high and mıghty to have reason to stay rich and let the poor wıther.
To begin with,democracy is not in clear terms by the people because more often than not,ıt does not reflect the ıdeologies of the people if not there would be no wars and no rıots. People under the democratic umbrella vote the the lots of promıses made during campaigns whıch hardly ever fufılled.
Democracy from another poınt of vıew is a clear waste of tıme and resources. An average democratıc electıon process wıll cost nothıng less than 1mıllıon USD yet there are mıllıons of people around the world lıvıng on less than a dollar per day. If looked at closely, countries around the world wıthout democracy have a faster growth rate than countrıes with democracy. Rıght now the world ıs going through one of the bıggest economıc crısıs of all times and this is the point in time when resources have to be deviated into serving the right purpose. As much as i am not a fan of dictatorship i am of the opinion that, an economy run on 80% of socıalısm and 20% of capitalism (democracy) is the way forward for the world.
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